When a room needs a door, its function is to close.
An open room is for people and their need for space
Windows are eyes in the face of a room.
Plants and walls are ears.
The fireplace and cellar, closets and cabinets are internal organs.
New furniture changes a fraction of the feel of a room.
Noise and movement are pulse.
Cleaning is the stroking of a room.
Pipes are veins and circuits are nerves.
Paint is the complexion of a room.
Steps and arches are the pride of a room and most curves show balance.
Corners and shadows hold the memory of a room.
A ticking clock puts a room in tune and
A ringing telephone is cacophony.
Rooms have longer life spans than people.
A cuckoo clock expresses the humor of a room.
Most rooms like alcohol and get hangovers.
Rooms compete for attention.
When you sleep in a room, you wake with some knowledge of it.
Rooms without widows are more sensitive to sound.
Dampness is the depression of a room.
Rooms contribute to their own temperature.
Sterile rooms are mute.
In the depth of a wall, where does a new room begin?
A room is aware of its secret places.
Rugs and furniture are the makeup of a room and rooms cry after them.
The voice of a room can intensify the air and speak telepathically.
When people leave, rooms attract other inhabitants.
Rooms are afraid of the wind.
A room is a natural thing.